Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fun with Photos

J. B. Harley, "Deconstructing the Map"
"Much of the power of the map...is that it operates behind a mask of a seemingly neutral science" (14).
 Denis Wood, Rethinking the Power of Maps
in discussing maps of election results and the polarization they insist on:  "every map ever made--or to be made--is an argument...all masquerade as maps of the election results" (43).
 =, that is, although surely someone has done this somewhere, let's make state of birth masks for each grad student in the department, arrange them vaguely in a national pattern, and photo that:  our own "Masquerade of Maps."


 Denis Wood, Rethinking the Power of Maps
"And to make a map you have to make these choices:  there are no naked, no absolute election results; there is no innocent way to see them" (44).

Let's talk Soren into having birth-state (or just Missouri) maps for his two older kids, and photo the two of them, to be titled "The Innocents of Maps."

I'm not quite ready to speculate on naked maps.  Matt?



  1. To do what you propose, I would need to up the allowance of each kid by fifty cents. I think it could be done....(I'd actually like to talk to you about this!) -S

  2. Would definitely want to work through some parental unit, to avoid any sort of exploitation...
